
Sunday, 3 September 2017

Songs I Probably Shouldn't Have Been Listening Too

I am quite a big music fan, and love writing blogs about the music I have recently discovered. I like a mix of different artists, from Ed Sheeran and Seafret to My Chemical Romance and Little Mix.

I have become more into music as I have got older, but I have been buying CDs from quite a young age, and at my junior school we all loved to listen to music on the computers in ICT lessons. But not all of the songs we liked were age appropriate. At 7, my favourite was "I Kissed A girl" by Katy Perry. At 9, I used to sing "It's Not Fair" by Lily Allen with my best friend and by 10 I was singing "Whistle" by Flo Rider with the boys in my class!

At that age, I had little idea what it all meant. Now I do know, I find it slightly disturbing that I sung that stuff in Junior School! Did you like any rude songs when you were a kid?

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