
Monday, 18 September 2017

Hermione For The Day

Image result for hermioneI have been Hermione Granger today! Some of my friends are doing film studies and they are making a short version of Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone so they wanted some actors. As I have a love for the performing arts, I volunteered. This morning, I found myself walking through college in school uniform getting plenty of stares, including some from the principle!

Once we started filming it was lots of fun. We filmed the sorting hat scene in the Refectory, and have to do the rest tomorrow. I am looking forward to it!

I do like Harry Potter, although I am no where near as obsessed as some of my friends. I tend to like darker books like the Hunger Games, or books with just a hint of fantasy rather than being set in a whole made up world. Maybe that is because I discovered it at an older age than some of the others, or maybe because although I have seen the films I haven't read all of the books. Perhaps if I read all the books I would realise what the fuss is about!

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