
Tuesday 20 June 2017

I Have Given In!

After many years of avoiding Facebook, I have given in and decided to join. Here's why.

Reasons I did not want to join...
  • If Facebook takes over the world by altering the minds of it's followers, I want to be among the free.
  • A lot of bullying and arguing happens online and I don't want to be a part of it.
  • I don't want to become addicted to it and never do anything else.
  • I prefer the real world to the virtual one.
  • I don't want people to stalk me.
Reasons I have decided to give in and join Facebook...
  • I want to keep in touch with all my friends when I leave school.
  • My best friend keeps nagging me to join.
  • I have friends that don't always have credit on their phone to text me.
  • It costs money to send pictures to people, were as on Facebook it is free.
Any hints or tips to get me started would be appreciated.

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