
Monday 11 December 2017

Plenty Of Perfume

This year, I have been celebrating December with an unusual advent calendar and it is lovely. So far I have had perfumes in a variety of fragrances, from fruity ones such as pink grapefruit, to flowery citrus blossom and even chocolate!!! And for when summer finally comes, I have a tropical coconut and peach so I can pretend I am on holiday in the Caribbean, even if I am quite clearly not.

However, I do have a festive disappointment. At my previous school, we had nice long Christmas holidays, but this year my last day is on the 21st! I only have 3 days off before Christmas! No longer can I leave all my Christmas shopping and think, "oh, I'll do that when school is over." I need to get organised!

Even worse, here in the south we are the only part of the county to not have any snow! Apart from a little sleet yesterday, we have had no sign of the white stuff. Such a shame, I could do with a few days off college! Have you had any snow?

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