
Sunday 12 November 2017

I Have Joined Pottermore!

Pottermore is the official website for the world of Harry Potter, and although I only signed up a few hours ago I am already hooked. I know, most of you probably joined Pottermore ages ago, but  although I watched the films quite a long time ago, I only really started to love Harry Potter when I read the books more recently.

To those of you who haven't yet discovered Pottermore yet, it is brilliant. Without signing up, you can view information about the books, including profiles on all the other characters and locations in the stories. But when you create an account, it allows you to find out who you would be if you lived in the world of Wizards by discovering your House, Patronus and Wand.

Today I have discovered that I am a Gryffindor, that I would have a 11 inch flexible elm and unicorn hair wand, and that my Patronus would be an Elephant. My mum says this is because I get in a large amount of trouble and would therefore need a large Patronus to get me out of it!

Members can also explore the castle with animated virtual reality, and find extra information hidden around the school.

I think anyone who likes Harry Potter would like Pottermore.
To visit the website and sign up for free, click on the link below:

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