
Thursday 23 November 2017

I'm A Celebrity is Back

I have been watching I'm A Celebrity for several years now, but this year I am loving it more than ever! Toff is definitely my favourite, any Chelsea Princess that can out tough a boxer and eats genitalia definitely gets respect from me. But I have also been impressed by Stanley, who seems really genuine, which is slightly shocking for a politician. I think he is a real gentlemen.

I also thought the walking the plank challenge looked terrifying! The height was bad enough, but the wobbly section was awful. I still think I would be better at that than anything with giant spiders though! And although it would not have been fun to do, it was brilliant to watch!

Tonight, the new camp mates Iain Lee (Radio Presenter) and Kezia Dugdale (Politician) are going to be introduced, and they will be completing a bush tucker trial. I can't wait to see how these new characters get on, especially as this means we will now have two politicians in the camp, although I can't see Stanley as the type to cause trouble.

Saturday 18 November 2017

Learning Guitar

Whether it is keyboard, singing solo or choir, I have always loved music. And I did not want that to stop with the end of school performances.

Since starting at college in September, I have started learning guitar. I have mostly been teaching myself, but have had some resources and help from the music department to help me get started. At first I could only play at college, but my uncle has learnt me a guitar so now I can play at home.

I have playing a mixture of songs with basic chords, from pop songs like Riptide, Budapest, and Royals to more unusual songs like Pumped Up Kicks and Little Talks. I love the freedom that comes with finding chords online, as it means I can play anything I want, whereas for keyboard arrangements I have to buy sheet music.

But what I love most is that I am able to sing along with my playing, as singing is what I like best really. I definitely recommend guitar to anyone who loves to sing, or wants an instrument that is easy to teach yourself.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

My Kind Of News Show

Lots of adults like to watch the news in the morning to see what is going on in the world. But when I have a free period first thing and want to catch up on the issues of the day, I get The Last Leg up on All4. Their form of News is far more interesting!

The Last Leg is brilliant because it gets the balance right between fun/jokes/entertainment and actual news/politics. Although they can be quite biased when it comes to Brexit, they are generally fair and honest, far more so than many online sources. And I love Josh, Adam and Alex, they are just hilarious. The fact that two of them are living with disabilities also means the show gives this minority some representation.

The show also has special guests, a mix of other comedians and politicians, including Jeremy Corbin himself on one occasion, although I am not sure these politicians always know what they are getting themselves in for!

To give you a taste of the madness, here is a clip where they encourage people to vote in the last election:

Overall, I think the show is a great way for teens to get an introduction to politics that is enjoyable and not too complex. Do you watch The Last Leg?

Sunday 12 November 2017

I Have Joined Pottermore!

Pottermore is the official website for the world of Harry Potter, and although I only signed up a few hours ago I am already hooked. I know, most of you probably joined Pottermore ages ago, but  although I watched the films quite a long time ago, I only really started to love Harry Potter when I read the books more recently.

To those of you who haven't yet discovered Pottermore yet, it is brilliant. Without signing up, you can view information about the books, including profiles on all the other characters and locations in the stories. But when you create an account, it allows you to find out who you would be if you lived in the world of Wizards by discovering your House, Patronus and Wand.

Today I have discovered that I am a Gryffindor, that I would have a 11 inch flexible elm and unicorn hair wand, and that my Patronus would be an Elephant. My mum says this is because I get in a large amount of trouble and would therefore need a large Patronus to get me out of it!

Members can also explore the castle with animated virtual reality, and find extra information hidden around the school.

I think anyone who likes Harry Potter would like Pottermore.
To visit the website and sign up for free, click on the link below:

Thursday 9 November 2017

Yet More Funny Test Answers

As my funny exam answers are among my most popular posts, I have decided to create another instalment. This time, I am focusing on answers that include hilarious works of art. Some are impressively detailed, others are simple but brilliant.

I never knew there was a Kung Fu Gland! And their version of Testes is just disturbing.

Discovery of the legendary 'Kung Fu' gland, according to one student on

I am amazed, I never thought a reproductive system could look so much like a Lion!

Taken from website

Words fail me! Although to be fair, it does look quite a lot like something you would see on Doctor Who!

And some students resort to death threats to try and pass...

Image result for  funny test answers drawn

Whilst others are more concerned with saving the environment!
Image result for  funny test answers drawn
Know any more? Post them in the comments!

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Hooked On A Classic

A few weeks ago, I said that I had got really into the classic computer game Pac Man. Now, I have become hooked on Tetris! At least I am actually quite good at this one though, as I was rubbish at Pac Man.

Although the game appears to be really simple, it is actually quite hard, as the rows only disappear when they are completely full, and I often end up with one annoying little gap in each one. This gets even worse as it gets faster the more rows you manage to delete. I have got to level 8, which is just too quick!

I find I always play more computer games in the winter, as where it gets dark early, you can't go out and do things in the evening so I end up on my laptop. That does mean more blog posts though (hopefully).

To have a go yourself, click on the link below:

Post the level you get to in the comments.

Monday 6 November 2017

Not More Maths!

When I finished school, I was so happy that I would never have to study maths again. Sadly, that is not the case. The psychology A level I am doing is 20% Statistics, and this weekend my homework consisted purely of maths. And there was me thinking I would only have to do the subjects I liked now! It does mean that for the first time, I am actually very pleased I did GCSE stats! At least that wasn't wasted!

However, I suppose I can't really complain when the rest of my homework is just taking photos of stuff! I am loving that side of things! Especially as on our school trips now, we are free to wander wherever we want by ourselves on the condition we are back at the correct time!

Are your subjects what you expected them to be?