
Monday 17 July 2017

Starting Work

As I have a very long summer this year, I decided to get a part time job. My Uncle is a mechanic with his own garage and he needed someone to help him with his office work. So from now on, I will be working for him every Monday, and today was my first day.

Although I have done work experience and helped out at my mum's school before, I have never had an actual job before. It felt a bit strange at first, but I got on well and had finished all his jobs by the early afternoon, so I got to go home and enjoy the sun.

Although I quite liked working at the garage, I would not want to work there more than one or two days a week. This is my summer of freedom and I want to have plenty of time to do the things I like. Also, although I like having a bit more money to spend, I am not desperate to have lots, just enough that I can go out shopping and to the cinema with my friends.

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