
Friday 21 July 2017

A Female Doctor

I was a little surprised when they said there would be a female Doctor Who. I know it had been rumoured, but the idea that the Doctor was a bloke was so set in my mind that I never thought it would happen! And I feel as though the BBC have done it for the wrong reasons.

Ok, so the Master has regenerated into a women, so we know Time Lords can do that. And, if the BBC decided the best available actor was a women, and chose her for that reason, than fair enough. But I feel that is not why the BBC made the decision. I think they did it because they felt pressure to, and that should not be a reason to change the gender of a beloved fictional character.

Before I decide for certain what I think of this change though, I am going to watch some of the new series. If she is brilliant and the transition works, then maybe she has been chosen for the right reasons. If it feels forced, then we will know that the BBC really is too focused on being PC.

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