
Wednesday 21 December 2016

Crazy Relatives At Christmas

At Christmas, you see more of your family, and as mine is quite large, it is a busy time for me. Today, I went out for lunch with some people from my mum's side of the family: my Gran, Grandad and two Great Aunts and Uncles. Now, as much as I love them, my mums family can be a little crazy. My Gran and Great Aunties are especially bad. Today, we had recounts of ghost stories, creepy old houses and killer cats.

One of my Aunties says she has seen and heard quite a lot of ghosts over the years. She certainly has enough stories to creep me out! I personally think ghosts probably do exist, but I am not 100% convinced yet. I have certainly heard a lot of evidence to suggest that today, as although some of the stories were a little questionable, many were pretty convincing.

Do you believe in ghosts?

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