
Sunday 27 November 2016

Christmas Shopping

As I have only a couple of weeks left at school before the holidays (yay!), I have been buying Christmas presents for my school friends. My best friend and I went shopping together yesterday - that way it was still fun, even if we didn't get to try on as many clothes as we usually do! As it was black Friday weekend we got loads of deals too. And to top it all off, a Costa hot chocolate - a Christmas shopping essential,

As I am still at school, I have a limited budget so I usually get fairly small gifts. The adults in my family don't buy huge presents for their friends either, so this is quite normal for me. However, I have friends who buy lots at Christmas, and friends who don't buy presents at all. This is the problem with Christmas as a teen - some people are relying on pocket money while others have jobs, making it a little difficult sometimes to get equal gifts. Do you have this problem?

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