
Sunday 21 August 2016

The Shellac Experience

While I was on holiday, I had a Shellac pedicure in the ship's spa. I have never had Shellac done before. It is painted on like normal nail vanish and then hardened under a UV lamp. It has 4 layers: base, 2 coats of colour and top coat. Each is hardened individually. The colour choice was limited, but then that probably varies depending on where you go. I chose bright yellow.

I am really pleased I had it done because it looks great and did not take as long as I was expecting. It is hard to paint your own toe nails! Also, it has been over a week now and they are still chip free, as promised. They are glossier than normal nail varnish too. However, what they don't tell you until after you have it done is that you have to soak your nails in acetone to get it off! I think I am going to have bright yellow toes for a while. I would definitely have it again, but probably only for a special occasion as it was quite expensive. Have you ever tried Shellac?

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