
Thursday 18 February 2016

The Worst Kind Of Homework

2000 words sounds a lot, doesn't it? Well, you have no idea quite how much it is until you try and write an essay of that length. Oh, and on the topic of a really long, slightly boring Victorian novel like Great Expectations.

I think you can probably work out what my English homework is this half term. Personally, I think it is a bit mean to make us do that much work when we are supposed to be having a rest, although I would rather that than they make us try and get it done one night after school on a normal week.

We will probably all have to write a 2000 word essay at some point, and all I will say is this: Don't leave it to the last minute, they take much longer than you think! Oh and write it on a computer, you can go back and edit and it will count up the words for you.

Is your English teacher as evil as mine? Tell me about your holiday homework complaints in the comments.

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