
Saturday 27 February 2016

A Day At Science Live

GCSE Science Live is a day of lectures designed to inspire future scientists at GCSE level in London. Yesterday, a group from my school went to see it at the Apollo Theatre. 5 scientists and 1 senior examiner gave talks under the massive flying dragon above the stage, ready for the Wicked production that evening.

My favourite was Robert Winston, a biologist famous for his work on IVF treatment. He was very funny and entertaining. He told the boys that they had rubbish sperm! He also said that the fact our chances of getting pregnant were only 1in 5 per occasion was not an excuse to do it tonight! The other reason I liked him was because of his emphasis on gender equality in science.

Not all of the speakers were that engaging though. Another scientist, a palaeontologist called Richard Fortey, was a bit too passionate about trilobites, and insisted on telling us about every type in great detail, until a couple of people fell asleep. He was just like Ross Geller from friends. We were also told about the possibility of time travel (perfect for a Doctor Who fan like me), future space explorations and an alternative way to look at Chemistry.

I really enjoyed the trip and thought it was definitely worth the journey up to London, even if we did spend a little too long looking at fossils for my liking.

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