
Wednesday 30 December 2015

My Christmas

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days, but I have been busy with Christmas. I got lots of fab presents including sparkly earrings, a new phone and Dan and Phil's new book, more on that another time. my funniest/weirdest present was a magazine about looking after chickens! We went to my Gran's, who had more different puddings than people eating and seriously does not understand charades, as she kept speaking instead of miming. I also got to see my dad's family, including my cousin's 3 year old son. He is sooo sweet! What did you get for Christmas?

I have mentioned before that I love the Big Bang Theory. One of the presents we got my mum was a Big Bang Theory trivial pursuit game. We all played it together yesterday and it is great, but some of the questions are really hard. Like most trivial pursuits games it took forever but eventually I won.

Now Christmas is over, school is looming closer but we still have almost a week left. I will use that time to post lots of blogs to make up for the last week, so watch this space!

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