
Wednesday 7 February 2018

Missing You Already!

Since September, our college has had some exchange students studying with us from all over Europe, mostly Italy. Some of them I did not talk to regularly, but there was one student from Germany who was in my graphics and photography class that I became good friends with. Sadly, she had to go back to Germany last week, and we all miss her. Hopefully we can stay in touch.

I really like having exchange students at the college. I learnt quite a lot from her about life in Germany, as well as lots of tips and artistic inspiration to help me improve my work. She made life at college more interesting, and every time I look at the empty seat next to me I wish she was still here. She was a lovely girl who has even been known to hug a few trees!

My senior school also had exchange students whilst I was there. They came from Chile, but only stayed with us for a few weeks, so I did not get to know them so well. I like it better when they stay for a while, you have time to become proper friends.

Has your school or college ever had exchange students?

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