
Saturday 13 January 2018

Surviving The First Week Back

I have survived block week! My psychology mock was only 45 minutes long. I think her "The world will end if you don't pass this impossible exam" speech was just to scare us into actually doing some work. I find it a little annoying that they mislead us on purpose! Although it had a limited effect, so I think we may get death threats next time. At least I know to take it with a pinch of salt.

After that, I had a couple of days off, so I went shopping for the day and bought a very nice black lacy off the shoulder top and a new eyeliner with some Christmas present money. Next time there is a college band night I am ready!

Then it was back to college for a day of Graphics where we had to create our final piece (scary) and a more chilled out day of Photography where we worked on our digital sketchbook. Monday is back to normal, which is a shame, because I liked having a 3 day week!

Do you ever have teachers implying a test will be harder or more important than it is?

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