
Friday 12 May 2017

My Last Day

Today was my last official day at school. From now on, I just have study leave and exams. In the morning, we had a leavers assembly with speeches from staff members, photos of us all though the senior school and video messages from ex staff member. Nearly everyone cried, including me! Then we had a few lessons and a church service in a cathedral, where I sung in the choir. Finally, we had a leavers tea with our parents.

There were also a few pranks going on. The best one was when someone stuck a picture of Shrek's face on the picture of our Head Teacher. The entire school saw. It was hilarious!

I have left two schools before, and I wasn't very upset then. But the first was when I was quite little, and the second I did not like very much. I was not attached to either of them in the way I am attached to this school. This time, I really did not want to leave.

I'm not quite sure it has all sunk in yet. I think I have accepted the fact I have left the school, but I am still struggling to come to terms with the idea I sit my first GCSE exam in 3 days. That is too soon! The exams do still mean I will see everyone for another 5 weeks though, so that is ok. But then I really will be leaving, and I am definitely not ready for that yet!

Are you leaving school soon?

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