
Friday 30 March 2018

Chaos In The Kitchen

As Channel 4 are going to be hosting Stand Up To Cancer soon, they have been showing a variety of programs that are also raising money for the cause. My favourite of these is Celebrity Great British Bake Off, as it is hilarious. I am a Bake Off fan anyway, but I like the celebrity one even better.

Each week, 4 celebrities (often comedians) with various amounts of baking experience tackle 3 challenging tasks, with limited amounts of success. This year there has been so many disasters, especially in the technical challenge, and I have been in hysterics watching Paul's face when he sees what they have made. The biscuits that looked like a Jackson Pollock produced a particularly special reaction! Nick Hewer also had quite a few problems.

What is really lovely about it though is that some of them genuinely improve. Lee Mack started off producing bakes that were inedible, but by the showstopper managed to do surprisingly well. However, Nick Hewer also struggled, but did not manage to pull it out the bag later on. Some of the celebrities do actually make some impressive bakes, a few of which even got Hollywood handshakes!

The show is on at 8pm every Tuesday on Channel 4, and you can watch the previous episodes on All 4. Have you been watching Celebrity Bake Off?

Monday 19 March 2018

George Ezra Latest Release

I have always liked George Ezra. I often play his song "Budapest", and I also like "Blame It On Me". However, his new single "Paradise" is his best yet. I have listened to it 3 times today already and I can't stop singing it. It is so uplifting, every time I listen to it I am instantly in a good mood. You can have a listen to it below:

I have listened to his other singles Hold My Girl and Pretty Shining people too, and they are very good as well. I think the lyrics are brilliant, although they are quite different as they are much calmer. I can't wait to see what he releases next! Do you like George Ezra?

Sunday 18 March 2018

A New Favourite Box Set

Recently, I have started watching an older series called Dawson's Creek that my mum watched when she was younger. We spotted that is was one of the Box Sets on All 4, and I decided just to watch one episode to see what it was like, not really expecting to like it. It was brilliant and I am now slightly hooked. I often watch it in the mornings before college when I have a free period.

The show is about a group of 4 friends who live in a small town in America in the 90s. Dawson, Joey and Pacey have been friends since they were children, but then just before they all start high school, a new girl Jen turns up who moves next door to Dawson, and changes everything. Suddenly, Dawson is trying to impress her with his movie style romance, Joey is suddenly jealous, and Pacey is finding forbidden love in other places. And as if that is not complicated enough, their families add some more problems to their young lives!

The show is quite simple, but that is what makes it brilliant. It is about the characters, not the fancy lifestyle they lead. I also think it is very true to real life. Have you ever watched it?

Monday 12 March 2018

New Discoveries

I have two days off now! Woohoo! We are having whole days of subjects this week, instead of normal lessons, so we can have mocks, which means our free time will be in whole days too. This leaves me plenty of time to practise with my guitar. I have been learning since September, and am getting better at it, but still struggle with a few of the quicker chord changes. I love playing it though!

Another thing I have recently become a fan of is Pinterest. At first, I just joined it to access some images I needed for graphics, but once I started looking at it properly, I found lots of inspiration for my own art projects as well as things that helped me with my college work. It is perfect for students of creative subjects. Have you ever tried it?

Sunday 4 March 2018

We Got Snow!

We did get lots of snow as promised! I had two whole days off college, and managed to go down the park for a snowball fight with my friends. I ended up with quite a lot of snow down my neck, but managed to get them back for it! It has all melted away now, so business as usual Monday. Shame.

I can't wait for this evening though. I have been watching call the midwife lately, because I love the character Trixie. The last episode has a really dramatic ending, with one of the Midwives Barbara being rushed into hospital with a serious illness that she might not recover from, and I have been in suspense all week. I hope she is ok, she is one of the nicest ones! I guess this is why people binge watch a series all at once, they don't have this problem! Do you watch programs as they come out, or do you like to watch them all at once?