
Monday 30 January 2017

My Love For Class

And no, I am not talking about school. This sort of Class is way better. It is the latest Doctor Who spin off show, featuring the sixth formers at Coal Hill School (the one Clara used to work at) and the various aliens that end up there. The programme is based around the idea that all the alien-related events that happened there in the main show have created a porthole in time and space, allowing other aliens to invade the area. The Doctor has entrusted it's safety to group of sixth form students, as well as their alien teacher.

I have always been a fan of Doctor Who, and naturally wanted to watch the show as a result. What surprised me though, was that in some ways it was even better than the original!

As the show is set in a school, it is aimed at teens. Class has a much younger, cooler feel than the regular show, and deals with normal teen/young adult issues as well as aliens. Also, as it is not a family show, they often include more gory scenes, as well as the occasional bit of sex! However, as it is only shown on BBC 3, you have to go on I player to watch it. The box set is online now if you want to catch up. Personally, I think it is too good to miss.

Saturday 28 January 2017

No More Mocks!

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I have been very busy lately. My life for the past few weeks has been filled with mocks and mock results in preparation for my GCSEs. Although they can be useful , they take up a lot of time and are pretty boring. As you usually have several exams in one day, it is very exhausting. And if they don't go well, getting your results isn't much fun either.

What I think I missed most though, was the fact we had no normal lessons. When you are at school normally, there is plenty of opportunity to have a chat and a laugh in class as well as at break time. Quite a lot of my teachers are happy to joke about too. But when you are in exams and private study all the time, you miss out on that. And now I am back in class again, I am loving that even more than I used to.

Have you done your mocks yet? How did you find them?

Saturday 14 January 2017

Sherlock Is Back And Brilliant

I have been watching the new series of Sherlock and I am loving it! I think it might be the best yet. So much has happened in the first two episodes, it is hard to keep up. It has been so dramatic! I have always liked the show, but this season has been more gripping than most. If you haven't seen it, it is on BBC iplayer and is too good to miss!

At the end of the last episode, it was revealed Sherlock has a sister! I did not see that one coming. She seems quite a sinister character, and I think she will become very important. However, even though Moriarty is supposedly back, we are yet to hear from him. Perhaps he will make his entrance in the final episode.

It is on tomorrow at BBC1 at 9 O'Clock. With so many suprises in the last few episodes, I cannot even imagine what will happen. Will you be watching?

Friday 13 January 2017

Where Is The Snow?

Last night, anticipation was in the air. School closed early, salt covered the roads, all in preparation for the snow storm that had been predicted. A whole generation of school kids looked forward to a day off. The rain turned to snow as predicted, and the world outside turned white. All was set for a day of snowmen..

By the time I had gone to bed, it had all disappeared! The next morning it was very icy, but all hope of a snow day had vanished! And as I had a Non Calculator maths test today, I was very disappointed! So, it looks like there will be no skiving for now. But the winter is far from over yet, so there is still plenty of time for it to happen. It is certainly cold enough! Are you hoping for snow?

Saturday 7 January 2017

Ed Is Back!

Yesterday, Ed Sheeran released 2 new singles! He has had a year off, but is now back with his new album Divide. I have been missing him in the charts and am very pleased to have him back. 2017 is looking up already!

Ed described it as a "schizophrenic album", as each song is very different from the others. The 2 he has released so far definitely are. The first, Castle On The Hill is my favourite. It is about the place he grew up and has some brilliant lyrics. The second is called The Shape Of You and is about someone he met in a bar. The two songs have very different feels to them, but they are both really good.

Ed has not released music videos to these songs yet, but he has released some lyric videos with really cool graphics. They are on the right if you want to have a look. I am really looking forward to whats on the rest of the album as I have loved everything so far. What do you make of Ed's new tracks?

Sunday 1 January 2017

2017 - A Lot Is Changing

2016 is officially over - we now have a whole new year ahead of us. And it is a big year for me. I am taking my GCSEs, leaving school and starting a new life at college. Just 4 days into the new year I have my mocks, and it is going to be pretty much non-stop after that.And I find that all quite scary.

I do have a lot to look forward to though. The longest summer I have ever had, my 16th birthday and the freedom that will come with being a student. But that will all be later on in the year, after all the work needed for my exams.

Still, New Year's Eve was a lot of fun. I stayed in and watched the Robbie Williams concert live from London, then saw the fireworks over the Thames, which were great. All the noise from the ones in our area definitely freaked my cat Bumble out though. He is not a big fan of New Year celebrations. How did you celebrate the New Year?