
Tuesday 27 September 2016

A Trip To Shakespeare's Globe

Today, I went to London on a school trip to The Globe theatre with a small group from my year. We saw Macbeth. It was brilliant! The theatre it's self looks really authentic. It has been built exactly like the original, complete with a thatched roof and wooden balconies. We had tickets for the standing area, which meant we were right at the front. Sometimes the actors even walked through the crowd.

The play was very dramatic. It was set in the original place and time, but with some modern jokes and references. I loved the 3 witches, and the drunk porter was hilarious. It was great to see the play in the way people would have seen it when Shakespeare first wrote it.

It is a unique experience that I recommend to any theatre lover, even if you are not that into Shakespeare. And to those who are forced to study his plays and are hating it, Shakespeare is a lot more fun to watch than read about!

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