
Tuesday 27 September 2016

A Trip To Shakespeare's Globe

Today, I went to London on a school trip to The Globe theatre with a small group from my year. We saw Macbeth. It was brilliant! The theatre it's self looks really authentic. It has been built exactly like the original, complete with a thatched roof and wooden balconies. We had tickets for the standing area, which meant we were right at the front. Sometimes the actors even walked through the crowd.

The play was very dramatic. It was set in the original place and time, but with some modern jokes and references. I loved the 3 witches, and the drunk porter was hilarious. It was great to see the play in the way people would have seen it when Shakespeare first wrote it.

It is a unique experience that I recommend to any theatre lover, even if you are not that into Shakespeare. And to those who are forced to study his plays and are hating it, Shakespeare is a lot more fun to watch than read about!

Saturday 24 September 2016

Liven Up Your Weekend

Now we have been back at school a couple of weeks, I'm guessing you are needing something to brighten things up a bit. Here are some lively, energetic (and loud!) songs to take your mind off the weeks you have just had and the school year ahead.

Don't Stop -                    5SOS
Good Grief -                   Bastille
Last Night -                    The Vamps
Hey Everybody -            5SOS
Teenagers -                     My Chemical Romance
Ex's and Ohs -                Elle King
Geronimo -                     Shepard
Shut Up and Dance -      Walk The Moon
Written Off -                   The Vamps
Just Like Fire -                Pink
Cake By the Ocean -       DNCE
She Looks So Perfect -   5SOS

Friday 23 September 2016

Ping Pong Madness!

Today, we had a very strange PE lesson. As most of the people in my year were on fixtures, the few that were left did table tennis in the Gym. However, as the PE teachers were needed for the fixtures as well, our session was supervised by normal teachers.

The first session was calm, with us all playing by the conventional rules. By the second period we were ready to mix things up a bit! We were just getting starting on a "Round the World" game, where you play in a large group and run to the other side of the table after hitting the ball. Our mad psychology teacher had turned up to keep an eye on us, and decided she wanted to join in! Only problem was, she caused chaos and did quite a lot of screaming!

For the final period, we had a science teacher who let us play a manic version of dodge ball. However, she forgot to remind us of the all important rule that you can only hit people below the waist! As a result, we had 2 injured students and 1 annoyed teacher. It was a lot of fun though!

So, not the normal PE session, but I think it was much more fun. I love a bit of chaos!

Sunday 18 September 2016

The Problem With My School is...

I go to a school that is 5 miles from my house and it can be quite a pain sometimes. Here are 10 reasons why going to a school that is not local can be a problem.

1. You waste more time travelling.
2. You don't have the freedom and independence of walking to and from school.
3. You don't get to chat, while you are walking, to your friends (and the boys) away from everyone else.
4. Your friends don't usually live near you either.
5. You can't just walk to your friend's houses, you have to rely on lifts and buses.
6. It is not convenient to just meet up with them for an hour.
7. All meet ups have to be pre-arranged, not spur of the moment.
8. When the school bus decides not to show up, you have a bit of a problem!
9. You are much more reliant on your parents than you want to be.
10. You lose touch with the kids you grew up with.

However, it should be noted that there is one positive to living far from your school: you are more likely to get the day off if it snows!

Do you live near your school? Or do you have the same problem as me?

Saturday 17 September 2016

The Bridget Experience

Sorry I haven't posted this week, it has been my first full week back at school and I have been very busy with homework. The joys of year 11 - not!

Today I saw the new Bridget Jones Film, Bridget Jones's Baby at the cinema. It was even better than I thought it would be. It was really funny, it had everyone laughing out loud in the cinema! It also had some really cool music, especially when Bridget goes to a festival that she is a little unprepared for.

The film is centred around Bridget's new life as a successful single women in her 40s. She gets accidentally pregnant, but is not sure whether the baby belongs to her ex Mark Darcy, or the millionaire Jack she meets at the festival.

My favourite moment is when Bridget meets Ed Sheeran and she has no idea who he is, suggesting he might be someone who works in Starbucks! Although her attempts at public speaking and Mark and Jack's method of carrying her to the hospital are also brilliant.

It is the best film I have seen for a while and I think anyone who wants a laugh should go and see it!

Saturday 10 September 2016

Bake Off Is Back!

The Great British Bake Off is back again for a 7th season. It is one of my favourite TV shows and this year is just as good as I had hoped it would be. After 3 weeks, we are starting to see who could do well. I love Candice, but she can be very inconsistant. Some of the boys can be very experimental with flavours, which usually works out well, although I don't think I fancy the chocolate and chilli bread from this weeks episode. Val is my favourite for the entertainment factor, although she has turned out some very good bakes, even winning the bread week technical challenge.

It looks like it could be anyone in the final. Who is your favourite?

Friday 9 September 2016

Banishing The Back To School Blues

ImageThe other day, I went shopping with a few of my friends as I hadn't seen them all holiday. I bought quite a lot of stuff, unusual for me. One of the things I bought was a sun dress from Saltrock. I really like the message on it, and it is one of my favourite colours. They have an end of season sale on. I love that shop, but not quite as much as Animal. It has the same kind of feel but the colours as often a bit too muted for me. This dress is nice and bright though.

I also bought After You (the sequel to Me Before You), arty stuff and some keyboard stickers that brighten up my netbook. I love the keyboard stickers, although I am not quite used to typing on them yet!

Yesterday, I had to go back to school. Although it was terrifying to be called year 11s, it was not as bad as I thought. In fact, we barely did any work all day! But then we did have psychology, and that is always chaos! It will be a hard year, but with classes like that I don't think it will be all bad!

Have you gone back to school? What year are you starting?