
Thursday 12 July 2018

It's Not Coming Home

I had started to get really hopeful about the football this year. I genuinely thought that this might be the year we brought it home. I was particularly looking forward to the final of us against France, because my friend is French, and we were going to watch it together. Of course, that would have probably have ended badly, and we might not have spoken for a while afterwards, but it would have been interesting! I suppose we can cheer France on together now! 

I have finished college for the year now. It has gone really quickly, scarily so, and I am definitely not ready for next year! However, I have a whole 8 weeks off to prepare myself for the nightmare that is A level course work, so it should be ok. If I can figure out what I want to do for Uni in that time too, then even better! And maybe I can get a bit better at the guitar too. Are you off for the summer yet? 

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