
Friday 13 July 2018

Student Jobs

I have been looking into getting a job this summer, to help me save up for Uni. However, based on what my friends have told me, and what is often written in the advertisements, getting one that doesn't take advantage of you is easier said than done.

Many involve working quite long hours, more than the college recommends. Others though, say 5 or 6 hours, and then say "must be able to work longer when busy at no notice", which would suggest you just have to work whenever they want you to. This would make planning when you are going to do college work difficult, as well as not being able to know when you are or aren't free to do fun stuff. One of our teachers even said she has known students being expected to work when they have college! Others are 0 hours contracts. And of course, the few that are a reasonable number of set hours have a lot of people applying for them!

Personally, I think that if companies want loyal workers, they need to stop messing us about! Just because we are young doesn't mean we should be expected to drop everything and work with no notice. They are taking advantage of the fact that students really want the money and have a restricted choice of jobs. Have you got a part time job? Or have you been put off like I have?

Thursday 12 July 2018

It's Not Coming Home

I had started to get really hopeful about the football this year. I genuinely thought that this might be the year we brought it home. I was particularly looking forward to the final of us against France, because my friend is French, and we were going to watch it together. Of course, that would have probably have ended badly, and we might not have spoken for a while afterwards, but it would have been interesting! I suppose we can cheer France on together now! 

I have finished college for the year now. It has gone really quickly, scarily so, and I am definitely not ready for next year! However, I have a whole 8 weeks off to prepare myself for the nightmare that is A level course work, so it should be ok. If I can figure out what I want to do for Uni in that time too, then even better! And maybe I can get a bit better at the guitar too. Are you off for the summer yet? 

Monday 2 July 2018

Football Fever

Well, my new plan to post every day has not got off to a great start so far. But hopefully, I can do better over the next week. If I am not too distracted by the World Cup, that is!

Up until now, I have not been a huge fan of football. I pay attention to where Southampton are in the leagues, but that was mostly so I could chat to the boys at school without looking stupid! But this year, I have got properly into the World Cup. It all started when I watched our first game against Tunisia. I was horrified when they scored on a penalty, and caught in suspense for the rest of the game to see if we could win against them. The final goal left me elated.

Since then, I have watched every single England game. I have become a Harry Kane fan, as he is a really good striker and didn't get angry when the other players kept fouling him. I hope he gets the golden boot! I can't wait to see how we get on tomorrow against Columbia to see if we can make the quarter finals. Hopefully, we might actually do well this year! Have you been following the football?